GP Information

Exeter Medical is an independent healthcare provider in the south west and is contracted by North, East & West Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) for the provision of local anaesthetic surgery and laser services to NHS patients on an ‘any willing provider’ basis.

Exeter Medical is registered with the Care Quality Commission as an acute hospital and this is reflected in the range of services offered. We are happy to undertake the following within our own dedicated local anaesthetic day case surgery theatre:

Exeter Medical is happy to receive referrals by GP letter, fax or email. We also appear on the local choice network for Choose & Book plastic surgery, hand surgery and laser appointments. Once a referral is received we undertake to see and treat patients at a single visit within two weeks where possible. All care is consultant led.

We will also endeavour to reduce costs to the CCG by avoiding unnecessary follow-up appointments while guaranteeing effective communication with GPs at all times, including a written discharge summary and copies of all histology reports.

All patients are requested to complete a feedback form after their treatment to ensure that we consistently provide them with a high quality of care throughout their treatment episode. As a result, we have received glowing testimonials from nearly all patients and these have been forwarded on to the CCG.

Private Patient Referral Process


Send a letter

Simply send a referral letter via our secure online system or post.


Contact the hospital

In the meantime your patient can contact their local Ramsay Hospital directly to arrange a convenient appointment.


Arrange Appointment

If the patient does not contact us we will contact them to arrange an appointment according to the details provided on the referral.