Pinehill Hospital Show That Ramsay Cares

The Physio team and other passionate individuals have been the heartbeat and driving force of Pinehill Hospital’s green initiatives. Operations Manager Mahmood Hassan summarised everything they have been up to.

“We have recycled over 4000 crisp packets. We placed a green bin in the staff restaurant and was impressed with how willing our crisp-loving workforce wanted to help the cause,” Mahmood explained.


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“All our coffee pods are returned to be reused. Not only does this help the environment and reduce our carbon footprint, but in the long term it keeps our coffee pod prices lower too."


“Used pens that no longer work are collected and delivered to a local church that recycle them. We have recycled hundreds of pens with many staff bringing in empty pens from home. This was an idea championed by Farah Thompson.


“We are also keen to organise a litter pick to clean up our town as part of the Great British Spring Clean.”