Pinehill Hospital Sponsors local Hitchin Rugby Club which ensures the lights are kept on



Ramsay Health Care UK’s Pinehill Hospital is delighted to announce they are sponsoring local Hitchin Rugby Club. Pinehill Hospital’s support has allowed the club to keep the lights on! The increase in energy costs and rise in many other general costs have had a serious impact on the club’s financial position. One cost saving measure under consideration was to curtail any midweek training under the floodlights. Thanks to Pinehill’s support, the club will keep the lights on during weekday evenings, which will allow training to continue for hundreds of men and women, as well as boy and girl touch rugby players – a real benefit to the whole community. Duncan Barton, Hospital Director at Pinehill said: “We are delighted to sponsor Hitchin Rugby Club and the players and local community that will in turn benefit from this. Supporting our local community for both healthcare and wellbeing requirements is of absolute importance to us, as recognised in our company’s ethos of people caring for people.”Pinehill hospital is a local 32-bed private hospital offering a wide range of treatments. Pinehill’s facilities include four theatres, two main wards, a short stay unit as well as six pods for minor operations.  It provides a range of services including orthopaedic treatments, MRI/ultrasound scanning, general surgery, physiotherapy as well as a host of other services for private, insured and NHS patients within the local community and further afield.