Reasons for post-operative weight loss failure can include problems with the original surgery, as well as the patient’s inability to comply with necessary life style changes.
We work with patients who have already had weight loss surgery but are looking for another solution as their original surgery has not been a success, for whatever reason.
Preventing complications, managing complications and managing patients post operatively are all equally challenging aspects of care to us. We can offer one to one consultations to patients with post-surgery weight loss failure to discuss conversion surgery further.
Patients are screened carefully to determine cause of failure and are medically evaluated prior to any further surgery taking place.
Visit our blog for more information about weight loss surgery.
For gastric conversion costs visit our weight loss surgery prices page.
Gastric band slippage, removal & adjustment - how it works, what's involved, procedure, risks of a gastric band failure, benefits of band adjustment
Gastric sleeve surgery is a restrictive procedure only. Two thirds of the stomach is resected and removed, leaving a smaller stomach in the shape of a sleeve. The portion of the stomach removed produces a hormone that stimulates appetite and hunger. Removing this portion of stomach results in a significant reduction in appetite.
For many patients with a BMI (body mass index) of 27 - 35 surgery is not always available or recommended according to the NICE (National Institute of Clinical Excellence) guidelines, as patients with a lower BMI do not normally qualify for weight loss surgery. The gastric balloon is a soft, expandable intragastric (inside the stomach) device that is temporarily inserted into the stomach.
Woodland Hospital are celebrating a huge milestone this week, after reaching their 50th ROSA, robotic assisted knee replacement surgery, patient since launching 6 months ago.