All Ramsay hospitals are regulated by the CQC. For detail of our registrations, please visit the CQC’s website which contains details of all hospitals operated by Ramsay Health Care UK Operations Limited, including details of CQC inspections.
From 1 April 2015, all CQC-regulated providers are also required to display their CQC rating on their website. The CQC ratings for our hospitals are displayed here.
From 6 April 2021, the rules for engaging individuals through personal service companies are changing. Ramsay UK will be responsible for determining whether the off-payroll rules (also referred to as IR35) apply to services being provided by a contractor through a personal service company to Ramsay UK.
If the off-payroll working rules apply, contractor’s fees will be subject to tax and National Insurance contributions.
Ramsay is required to issue all contractors (who currently provide their services through a personal services company) with a Statement Determination Statement. Contractors are able to dispute the Status Determination given to them if they disagree with it. Further details on disagreeing with your Status Determination Statement can be found here.
As a provider of NHS services, we are required to be licensed by Monitor, the regulator for providers of NHS-funded services. Information about the Monitor provider licence can be viewed on Monitor’s website. Further details of our Monitor provider licence can be viewed here.
Following its report on private healthcare in the UK, the CMA issued the Private Healthcare Market Investigation Order 2014 which places certain obligations on private hospital operators in the UK, including in relation to the publication of certain information on the websites of each hospital. For further details on these publication obligations and links to the information in question, please click here.
For our privacy policy in relation to our use of personal information that may be collected via our website, please click here.
For our website terms and conditions, please click here.
This statement has been has been approved by the Board of Ramsay Health Care Limited on 24 October 2023 and the Board of Ramsay Health Care (UK) Limited on 25 October 2023.
Download Ramsay Health Care UK's statement.
For more information regarding our gender pay report:
Gender Pay Report 2023 - download here
Gender Pay Report 2022 - download here
Gender Pay Report 2021 - download here
Gender Pay Report 2020 - download here
Gender Pay Report 2019 - download here
Gender Pay Report 2018 - download here
Gender Pay Report 2017 - download here
We are committed to the equality and diversity agenda as defined by the protected characteristics of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnerships, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. This is demonstrated by our corporate vision ‘The Ramsay Way’ which ensures staff, patients and customers are treated fairly and equitably regardless of their individual preferences and beliefs. For a summary of our findings and recommendations for improvement in respect of WRES which will contribute to our wider equality and diversity strategy, please view our report here.
Ramsay Health Care’s long-term commitment to sustainability is driven through the Ramsay Cares sustainability strategy. Ramsay Cares focuses on a broad range of meaningful goals to foster healthier people, stronger communities and a thriving planet. It reaffirms our intention to have a positive impact for current and future generations. This report provides an overview of how Ramsay advanced those goals in our Australian, United Kingdom, European and Asian operations during the financial year ending 30 June 2023. It covers material sustainability issues that could influence the value that Ramsay Health Care creates for stakeholders over the short, medium and long-term. This report has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards: Core option and has been informed by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) healthcare sector guidance and the recommendations of the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
Read our 2023 Impact Report here.
To the best of our knowledge, Ramsay Health Care UK does not have any direct contractual relationships with Russian or Belarussian suppliers.
To view our Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption, Money Laundering and Economic Crimes Statement click here.