Ramsay Health Care is one of the largest and most successful private hospital groups in the world. Our reputation is built on our values as a company, the “Ramsay Way”, the integrity of our employees, our collective commitment to conduct all business with honesty and transparency and our commitment to the highest standard of ethical business conduct.
The Executive Leadership Team and I are committed to ensuring that our funds are used to provide the best possible care to our patients and that our relationships with our business partners are open, consistent and fair.
The UK Bribery Act 2010 came into force on 1 July 2011, the aim of which is to tackle bribery and corruption in both the private and public sectors.
The Act defines the following key offences with regard to bribery:
The Act also sets out a corporate offence of failing to prevent bribery by an organisation not having adequate preventative procedures in place. One of the six principles of the Act requires that there is top-level commitment in the organisation for preventing bribery. Ramsay is committed to ensuring compliance with the Act and has a zero tolerance approach to fraud, corruption and bribery.
Ramsay follows best practice and has robust controls, policies and procedures in place to prevent fraud, corruption and bribery. To limit our exposure to bribery we have in place an Anti-Bribery, Fraud and Corruption Policy and a Gifts and Entertainment Policy. These policies require that staff declare and request permission to accept or give gifts or hospitality over a certain threshold. Local gifts and hospitality registers are maintained and reported to our Global Risk Committee on a periodic basis.
The success of our anti-bribery approach depends on our staff, patients and those acting for Ramsay playing their part in helping to detect and eradicate such offences.
Thank you as always for your commitment to act with the highest standards of integrity and ethical behaviour in all your everyday dealings.
Nick Costa
Chief Executive Officer
If you suspect or become aware of any fraud or bribery, you must report it in accordance with the aforementioned policies and we will rigorously investigate any allegations. Ramsay also employs a local counter fraud specialist, TIAA, who can be contacted in confidence if staff have any concerns about fraud, corruption or bribery. You can contact TIAA on 0845 300 3333 or via email at fraud@tiaa.co.uk.