Electronic Patient Referrals

Private Referrals

Appointments may be made by telephone on: 01904 937 901

A private referral letter may be made using the online referral portal, faxed, emailed or posted out to the hospital. Please clearly state they are a private patient.

Online referral portal: www.ramsayhealth.co.uk/patientreferral  

Fax: Securely fax to the hospital on 01904 464 551

Post: Send to the Private Patient Manager at the hospital.

Email: send by email to clifton.privatepatient@ramsayhealth.co.uk

If you prefer to send a referral without a consultant named we will ensure that an appropriate consultant is selected

Using the Ramsay private patient referral form

The Ramsay Health Care online referral form has been created to allow you to refer private patients quickly via a secure website connection. This will allow you to send referrals to your local Ramsay hospital the same day for further processing. Electronic referrals will also help you to reduce fax and postage costs whilst being a more secure method of delivery.

Private Patient Referral Process


Send a letter

Simply send a referral letter via our secure online system or post.


Contact the hospital

In the meantime your patient can contact their local Ramsay Hospital directly to arrange a convenient appointment.


Arrange Appointment

If the patient does not contact us we will contact them to arrange an appointment according to the details provided on the referral.