An endoscopy is a procedure used to investigate inside the body for medical reasons. In order to observe interal organs or tissue, a long thin tube is typically inserted into either the mouth or anus. Whilst this can be a little bit uncomfortable, it should not cause any pain.
Enquire TodayTees Valley Hospital offers a full range of endoscopy procedures. All diagnostic endoscopies are performed in our dedicated endoscopy unit or outpatient department.
Our experienced and specialist Endoscopists offer convenient consultation appointments and routinely perform endoscopies to investigate, diagnose and treat a wide breadth of medical conditions.
An endoscopy is carried out to gain an internal view of your organs, an instrument called an endoscope is inserted into your body to provide the internal images.
The procedure can be mildly uncomfortable, but not usually painful. Most people experience mild discomfort, the procedure is usually done while you're awake.
You can expect to go home a couple of hours after your procedure. If you have had a sedative, you may feel drowsy for a while afterwards after endoscopy therefore will need someone to drive you home and stay with you overnight until its effects have worn off.
The overall risks of serious complications of an endoscopy is very low, the procedure is usually very safe.
There are many different types of endoscopy treatments, dependent on the purpose of the procedure
An upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy is a procedure to look at the inside of the oesophagus (gullet), stomach and duodenum using a flexible telescope allowing your doctor to diagnose and sometimes treat conditions that affect your oesophagus, stomach and beginning of your small intestine.
Please click here for more information.
A colonoscopy is a procedure that uses a flexible telescope to look at the inside of the large bowel (colon) for changes or abnormalities such as colon polyps and bowel cancer.
Please click here for more information.
A flexible sigmoidoscopy is a procedure to look at the inside of the left, lower part of the colon (large bowel) using a flexible telescope inserted into your back passage. It is used to confirm whether there are any abnormalities present and also as a general screening tool for colon cancer.
Please click here for more information.
Our expert consultants are committed to offering excellent care as soon as you need it; that's why they dedicate time to offer complimentary advice, with no obligation, so you can be sure before making a decision. Hear and speak to a Consultant within the speciality of your choice; get the information you need and all your questions answered to help you make a decision on your next steps in your healthcare journey.
View EventsOur specialist team will discuss your symptoms with you and advise on appropriate treatment tailored to you.
Based on your individual requirements your treatment will begin when you are ready and at a convenient time to suit you.
Our comprehensive aftercare provides support and guidance throughout your treatment and recovery journey.
Tees Valley have been working with Dementia Action Teeside to become a
Dementia Friendly Hospital, which they have now successfully achieved. Read the full story to hear from the hospital's clinical lead and head of clinical services.
Tees Valley Hospital has secured Olympus’ most advanced EVIS X1 scopes, elevating our endoscopy services to new heights. This cutting-edge equipment enables us to deliver the highest standard of care, ensuring superior outcomes for our patients.
Purpose Coalition Engagement Director and former Member of Keir Starmer’s Shadow Cabinet, Nick Forbes CBE, has visited Tees Valley Hospital to see first hand, people caring for people in action.