Post Natal Health Checks

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Female celebrities are not the only ones tweeting about women’s health issues from pregnancy, child birth and menopause to painful sex. Specialists all across the UK are on a mission to break the taboo and get women talking about their pelvic health issues.

Statistics show that nearly half of all mothers leak, over a third are affected by tummy gap and a quarter from pelvic girdle pain. Postnatal recovery and rehabilitation is not high on the list of treatments in our society and women’s health is suffering as a result.

One in three women experiences bladder or bowel control problems at some time in their life and after menopause, more than half of women may have vulvovaginal symptoms that can impact their lifestyle, emotional well-being and sexual health.

There must be more focus on bladder, pelvic and abdominal rehabilitation.

Symptoms can include leaking, urgency, pain during sex, having a ‘gap’ in your tummy muscles or ongoing pelvic pain. These are not an inevitable part of getting older or post childbirth, there are actions you can take to help bladder and bowel problems.

Our physiotherapists have undergone specialist Women’s Health training to assess the pelvic floor and stomach muscles and take a holistic approach to pelvic health recovery.

They can also undertake a Mummy MOT to provide specialist postnatal checks for new mums which can be done anytime from 6 weeks post-natally.

Considering the huge changes that a woman’s body goes in a lifetime the emphasis really has to be on the recovery and treatment of her body to ensure she does not suffer debilitating conditions. Physiotherapy can help alleviate many pelvic conditions through correct exercises, manual therapy and addressing lifestyle factors.

It is simply giving women the opportunity to access the right treatment and do the right exercises.

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