Mr Nazeer Dahar

Mr Nazeer Dahar

Mr Nazeer Dahar is a Consultant Urologist in Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire specialising in Urological cancer including Prostate, Bladder, Kidney and Tesicular cancers

NHS base
Pilgrim and Lincoln County Hospitals
GMC Number
Clinic Timetable
Clinical interests

Urological cancer including Prostate, Bladder, Kidney and Tesicular cancers, Erectile Dysfunction in men, Female sexual disfunction, Urinary incontinence, Problems of enlarged prostate in men, Scrotal swellings Laparoscopic / keyhole surgery, Circumcision.

Professional Memberships

Member of BAUS (British Assoc. of Urology Surgeons)
Member of Euro-oncology sub-group

Academic Background

MBBS FRCS (Edinburgh) Diploma in Urology UCLH


NHS base

Pilgrim and Lincoln County Hospitals

GMC Number


Clinic Timetable

Clinical interests

Urological cancer including Prostate, Bladder, Kidney and Tesicular cancers, Erectile Dysfunction in men, Female sexual disfunction, Urinary incontinence, Problems of enlarged prostate in men, Scrotal swellings Laparoscopic / keyhole surgery, Circumcision.

Professional Memberships

Member of BAUS (British Assoc. of Urology Surgeons)
Member of Euro-oncology sub-group

Academic Background

MBBS FRCS (Edinburgh) Diploma in Urology UCLH


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