This year Ramsay Health Care celebrates 60 years of global expertise in healthcare. We have interviewed some of our people who form a key part of our success, providing outstanding patient care across our network of Hospitals.
We speak to Sandra Horsfall, Outpatient Manager at The Yorkshire Clinic as she celebrates 36 with Ramsay Health Care UK.

How long have you worked at Ramsay and what is your current role, what role did you start with and what role(s) have progressed through?
I started at the Yorkshire Clinic on the 1st of August 1987, having qualified as an Enrolled Nurse in 1985. Started initially on Ward 2 which managed patients under the specialities of General Surgical, ENT, Medical and Oncology. Then in 1995 to 1997 undertook the Enrolled Nurse Conversion Course, qualifying in 1997 as a Staff Nurse. I continued to work on Ward 2 progressing to Senior Staff Nurse and then Sister.During my time at the Yorkshire Clinic, I undertook various roles which included assisting in setting up a new Bariatric Service, Ward – Nurse Co-ordinator – looking at staffing on both wards, liaising with bookings and reviewing all the next days admissions in all areas, and Acting Clinical Inpatient Manager Role – managing sickness, audits, complaints.In December 2005 (before the Treatment Centre opened in January 2006), I stared a new role in Ramsays New Treatment Centre – Clifton Park in York, as the Ward, Day unit and Outpatient Area including Pre-Assessment Lead, and in August 2013 I was also appointed Radiology Lead. During my time at Clifton Park, I also undertook the role of Resuscitation & Critical Care Lead and completed 6 months as Acting Clinical Lead Role which involved maintaining links with the Consultants and managing staff and patient care processes to ensure high quality service continued to be delivered.I stayed at Clifton Park till 2016, I then came back to The Yorkshire Clinic, wanting a change of role, and was appointed Angiography Lead, after 6 months the position of Outpatient, Cardiology, Pre-Assessment Manager became available and successfully started this role in February 2017, to which I continue within this role, and again also appointed Training & Development Lead for the whole of the Yorkshire Clinic, to which I continue to this day.
What is your most memorable experience/ greatest achievement you've had during your time with Ramsay?
Throughout the years there has been many changes to what I feel my greatest achievement/experience is, but I would say my greatest achievement is the drive to succeed and being given the opportunity to complete my conversion course. Also, my commitment to Ramsay Healthcare and to the Yorkshire Clinic.
What do you love most about working for Ramsay?
Always feel I am fully informed of what is happening and have our say to all levels of Management. Feel part of a wider family, and Ramsay have the commitment and drive for all our hospitals and the staff wherever they are in the world to be successful.
What is something that makes you smile during your workday?
Happy team and happy patients, positive feedback from all our customers; patients, their families, Consultants, visitors, and my team making me feel appreciated every day.
Why would you recommend working for Ramsay to someone else?
The Ramsay Values and as a company what they have achieved and want to achieve for their staff for the future, but also the opportunities that they can offer if you want to progress.