How to avoid wrist pain

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

There are lots of reasons you might experience wrist pain, whether from muscle strain, poor posture, arthritis, and many other potential causes. It can be something many of us experience at one time or another due to our jobs or hobbies, and it’s usually nothing to worry about, but there are things you can do to avoid long-term problems.


Why does my wrist hurt? 

Unless you’ve had a sudden injury such as a sprain or a fracture, wrist pain could be the result of muscle strain or repetitive motions, or could be the result of a long-term problem such as carpal tunnel syndrome or arthritis.

With so many possible causes it can be hard to determine the root of wrist pain, but generally if the pain doesn’t clear up in a few days, you should make an appointment with your doctor to investigate further.


How to avoid wrist pain

It’s not always possible to avoid wrist injuries or problems, but there are ways you can help to reduce the risk of developing some issues and promote the health of your wrists and other joints.


Take breaks and stretch

Working at a computer for long periods can put a stain on your wrist if you’re typing or using the mouse without adequate support or breaks. Any activity that involves a lot of repetitive motions or holding your wrist in awkward positions can lead to pain and other issues, so be sure to take frequent breaks to gently stretch.


Keep hydrated

Staying properly hydrated is important for all your muscles and joints, so ensuring you get enough water can help to avoid aches and pains. If you struggle to remember to drink, have a bottle of water next to you while you’re working, and set an alarm every half an hour or so to remind yourself to take a drink.


Look after your bones

As well as staying hydrated, it’s important to make sure you’re getting the nourishment you need to maintain healthy bones. This means getting enough calcium in your diet through drinking milk or taking supplements. Vitamin D is also essential for healthy bones, and it can be hard to get enough naturally in the UK thanks to our weather, so consider a daily supplement to ensure you’re getting what you need.


Use protective wrist supports

Whenever you’re taking part in high impact activities or sports, wear a wrist guard or support. This can be to protect against falls when doing more intense activities such as football or skateboarding, or for extra support when playing sports like tennis or badminton, or for working out and lifting heavy weights at the gym.


Avoid falls

This is naturally easier said than done, but falling onto your wrist is a reliable way to get injuries and cause pain and other problems. Just be sure to always hold on to handrails on stairs, and wear comfortable and sturdy shoes when out and about. Also make sure there are no trip hazards around your house, such as trailing cables or other objects on the floor.


Hand & Wrist surgery at Ramsay Health Care UK

Take a look at our site to read more about hand and wrist surgery at Ramsay, or get in touch with us to talk about your options or make an appointment to see one of our specialists.

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