Staying Healthy on Holiday

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Nichola Ludlam-Raine, Specialist Dietitian at Ramsay Health Care shares some tips on keeping healthy whilst you are away.

If you’re lucky enough to be going away this summer, whether that’s abroad or a trip in the U.K, you may be already thinking about what food you’re going to be enjoying, and wondering how you can keep mindful of your health and weight with all those temptations around. Below are five tips that can help keep you feeling healthy and energised whilst away from home!



If you’re going abroad, you may have access to some delicious and local fruit and vegetables, which can be a real joy to eat! Ensuring you eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables (one portion is 80g, which is around a handful) will keep you feeling energised and nourished, knowing you’re filling your body with a variety of vitamins and minerals that it needs to stay well.



When on holiday, if you choose to drink alcohol, you may find that you drink a little more than usual or the recommended maximum units of 14 a week - but don’t make it a habit when you get home! One simple way you can reduce the amount of alcohol you’re consuming and keep hydrated at the same time (super important if you’re going to a hot country) is to drink plenty of water. You can do this by carrying a reusable bottle with you during the day, and always ordering some water for the table if you go out to eat. If you’re drinking alcohol, try having a glass of water in between your alcoholic drinks to naturally slow down the amount you’re drinking.



If you’re staying at a hotel, you may have access to a buffet breakfast. While it can be very tempting to stock up and try as much as you can at once, you may be starting the day with more extra calories than normal which may leave you feeling lethargic and/or bloated. Instead, try to practice mindful eating and focus on your hunger/fullness cues - chew your food properly, and try to put down your cutlery a couple of times and have a sip of water to take a rest. This way, you’re more likely to feel satiated and ready to start the day! Aim to include at least one protein source, such as poached eggs, as well as a portion of vegetables e.g. mushrooms and fruit too.



A holiday is a great way to get some extra steps in - especially if you have a more sedentary job. Wear a pedometer or smart watch if you like to see how much you’re doing each day when you’re sight-seeing, you could be surprised! Walking is a fantastic form of exercise and helps to promote good cardiovascular health whilst exercising your muscles and joints.



Some people may choose a holiday to completely let go of their usual routine and eating habits, or some may choose to keep up with it as much as they can, which can sometimes get in the way of enjoying themselves. Remember - we don’t get a holiday all year round so be kind to yourself, and if it is important to you to keep healthy during this time that’s amazing, implementing the above tips can provide some balance whilst enjoying yourself and experimenting with new foods and flavours too! Think damage limitation, NOT deprivation.

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