Carpal Tunnel Surgery Recovery: What to expect

Estimated Reading Time: 12 minutes

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) occurs when the median nerve becomes compressed in the narrow wrist passage, called the carpal tunnel. As a result, you may feel a tingling, numbness, or pain in your hand, thumb, fingers, or arm.

If non-surgical treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome have been unsuccessful, surgery may be recommended.

Although carpel tunnel surgery is one of the most common hand surgeries, it’s important to know what to expect post-surgery including any restrictions and recovery time after carpal tunnel surgery, so you can be fully prepared.


What is carpal tunnel surgery?

Carpal tunnel release surgery, also known as carpal tunnel decompression, is performed to help relieve pressure on your median nerve and reduce pain. The procedure can be carried out through keyhole or open surgery.

With keyhole surgery, a smaller incision, approximately 2cm in length, is made in the forearm just above the wrist. The surgeon passes a thin, flexible telescope, called an endoscope, through the incision, and cuts the carpal ligament to relieve pressure.

With open surgery, an incision about 5cm long is made in the front of the wrist near your palm. The surgeon then cuts the carpal ligament to relieve pressure on the median nerve.

Carpal tunnel surgery is usually carried out under local anaesthesia and takes approximately 20 minutes.


What to expect after carpal tunnel surgery

Carpal tunnel surgery is usually an outpatient procedure. This means you should be able to go home the same day as your operation. You will need to organise transport home after your procedure as you will not be able to drive.

Here are some things you can expect to take care of after your surgery:

  • Manage any immediate pain and discomfort - you may need over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol to ease any discomfort once your anaesthetic wears off.
  • Bandages to protect and support your - your bandage should feel comfortable and supportive with some wriggle room for your fingers. It’s advisable to keep your arm elevated and to regularly wriggle your fingers to help keep your blood flowing properly and to reduce and swelling and stiffness.
  • A splint to aid position and reduce pressure - your surgeon may advise you to wear a splint at the start of your recovery from carpal tunnel surgery to help keep your wrist in a straight position and reduce pressure on the nerves. You will need to keep it dry.
  • Care for your wound - you should take good care of your surgical wound. Keeping the surgical site clean and dry is essential to prevent infection. It is usually possible to have a shower 24 to 48 hours after surgery. Your healthcare team will tell you how and when to change or remove your dressing.


How long does it take to recover from carpal tunnel surgery?

Carpal tunnel surgery recovery time can vary from person to person.

However, most people make a full recovery from carpal tunnel surgery within six to twelve weeks.


Carpal tunnel surgery recovery timeline: Week by Week

You’ll need to know how long is recovery from carpal tunnel surgery. This handy carpal tunnel surgery recovery timeline will help you to plan and prepare for this healing time and encourage optimal recovery.


First two weeks

Carefully follow your surgeon’s instructions for wound care, pain management, and keeping your hand elevated.

Perform any finger and hand exercises recommended by your surgeon or physiotherapist to maintain mobility, but avoid heavy lifting or putting weight on your hand.

Attend your first follow-up appointment. Your doctor will check your healing progress and may remove stitches or sutures.


Two to six weeks

Swelling and discomfort should start to gradually decrease.

Use your wrist and hand for daily activities as much as possible to help regain strength and mobility. Continue with hand exercises and follow any rehabilitation plan provided by your healthcare team.

If your job isn’t manual, you can expect to return to work within four weeks. Be sure to get your doctor’s approval before resuming work activities.


6-12 weeks

If you have a physically demanding job, you may be able to return to work during this period based on your surgeon’s guidance.

Swelling should continue to reduce, and your surgical incision should be healing well. You’ll notice further improvements in your hand and wrist strength as well as overall arm mobility.

Regular follow-up appointments will monitor your recovery. Attending these appointments will help ensure you’re on track for a full recovery.


3-6 months

Most people experience significant improvements in hand function and relief from symptoms. You should be able to return to full activity without restrictions.


Long-Term Care

To prevent a recurrence of carpal tunnel syndrome, continue practicing good hand and wrist care, such as avoiding repetitive strain during daily tasks.


Carpal tunnel surgery recovery tips

Following these post-surgery recovery tips, can help ensure your full and fast recovery:


How to manage pain and discomfort

Use any prescribed medicines as directed by your surgeon to help manage carpal tunnel pain effectively.


Exercises to aid recovery

You should start exercising your hand as soon as your doctor recommends, typically the day after surgery. These exercises are designed to help you regain mobility and strength in your hand and wrist. When starting, you might feel some discomfort, but the exercises should never cause sharp or intense pain.


  • Tendon Gliding – to improve finger and hand range of motion.
    1. Hold your hand upright with your fingers straight and touching one another.
    2. Bend your fingers at the bottom knuckles (closest to the palm) to form a 90-degree angle, keeping the rest of your fingers straight.
    3. Next, bend your fingers at the middle knuckles while keeping the tips straight.
    4. Finally, bend your fingertips to form a fist.
    5. Reverse the sequence by straightening the bottom knuckles, then opening your hand fully to return to the starting position.
    6. Repeat 5 to 10 times, depending on your comfort level.
  • Wrist Bends - to promote flexibility and reduce scar tissue.
    1. Extend your arm straight out in front of you, with your palm facing the floor.
    2. Flex your wrist upward to form a 90-degree angle.
    3. Use your other hand to gently pull your fingers back toward your body.
    4. Hold the stretch for 10 to 30 seconds, then release.
    5. Repeat this stretch up to 5 times.
  • Thumb-Finger Touches – to help improve coordination for everyday tasks like grasping objects.
    1. Hold your hand open and upright.
    2. Touch the tip of your thumb to the tip of your index finger, forming a circle.
    3. Continue touching your thumb to each fingertip, moving through the middle finger, ring finger, and pinky.
    4. Once you reach the pinky, reverse the process and move back to the index finger.
    5. Repeat this sequence 3 to 5 times in both directions.


Hand and Wrist Positioning

You may wear a splint in the early stages of recovery. Elevate your hand above your heart level to reduce swelling and to promote blood circulation. Pillows or cushions can help prop up your hand whilst you are resting or sleeping.



Take care to rest your hand whenever possible, as well as using it as normal.


Resuming daily activities after carpal tunnel surgery

There are some restrictions after carpal tunnel surgery that you will need to abide by. Initially, you will need to avoid any heavy lifting or repetitive hand, wrist, or arm movements. You may need some help preparing food and undertaking household tasks.



Once you have regained full functionality of your hand, including being able to grip and control the steering wheel, you can resume driving. Check with your surgeon that it is safe for you to drive and start with a short journey. Also confirm with your insurance company regarding their policy cover after surgery.


Returning to work

We understand patients need to plan and understand their carpal tunnel surgery recovery time off work. When you can return to work will depend on the type of job you do and your recovery time after surgery.

You may be ready to go back to work after 2 weeks or even sooner if your job involves lighter duties but you might need up to 6 weeks if you do heavy manual work or a job that requires lots of typing. Your surgeon will advise you about returning to work, complete a ‘return to work’ form if needed, and discuss with you more time off if needed.

Take things easy when you first return to work, taking care not to put too much strain on your hands. You may need to avoid certain tasks such lifting heavy items, using a phone and typing for long periods.


Resuming exercise and sports

The carpal tunnel surgery recovery timeline for exercise varies from person to person as well as the type of exercise or sport they enjoy.

When you can resume exercise and sports will depend on several factors, including the type of surgery you had, your overall health, and how well you keep to post-operative advice. In general, you can return to sporting activities after CTS surgery once your pain and swelling has settled.

Most people return to light exercise within a few weeks. After 6 to 8 weeks, you can expect to be back doing more intense workouts involving your wrist and many sporting activities. You will still feel some soreness in your palm when pressure or touch is applied.

Your grip and pinch strength may take up between 2 to 12 months to improve after surgery. This could impact sports where you need to grip a racket, bat or club or for sports including climbing, wrestling, boxing, and weightlifting.


What are the risks of carpal tunnel surgery?

As carpal tunnel surgery is one of the most common hand surgeries, most people will experience no complications following the procedure. However, as with all surgeries, there is a minimal risk of the following:

  • Wound infection - can be treated with antibiotics.
  • Excessive bleeding - can happen after any surgery and it may accumulate and form a clot (haematoma). Blood thinning medications can increase the risk, so you must inform your surgeon of your medications prior to surgery.
  • A tender and sensitive scar - will gradually get better but it may be uncomfortable for some months or years which can affect daily activities.
  • Median nerve damage - in your wrist is very rare. It can cause temporary hand pain and numbness through to permanent loss of feeling and strength in your hand, although this is very unlikely.
  • Hand and wrist pain and swelling that doesn’t go away - known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). It is very rare but can cause significant pain and disability.
  • Surgical site pain - known as ‘pillar pain’ is an ache or tenderness at the base of your hand in the heel of your palm. It doesn’t last forever and usually goes away after 3 months but can take up to 12 months
  • Persisting symptoms - your symptoms before and after carpal tunnel syndrome surgery may not disappear. There is a chance that they continue or come back after surgery. Usually this means that the carpal ligament wasn’t cut deeply enough to release the pressure and more surgery may be required.


It’s important that you tell your surgeon if you’re experiencing any problems. If necessary, they can refer you for more treatment.


Carpal tunnel surgery with Ramsay Health Care

At Ramsay Health Care, we work with experienced orthopaedic surgeons and physiotherapists who are experts in hands and wrists. They offer non-surgical treatments and surgery for carpel tunnel syndrome depending on your individual needs. If carpal tunnel surgery is required, they ensure you are fully supported before, during and after your surgery.

Our specialists understand the painful symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome and how it can affect your daily life. We offer rapid access to appointments at a time and convenient hospital location that suits you.

Find out more about carpal tunnel surgery with Ramsay here.


Carpal tunnel surgery recovery FAQs

How painful is it after carpal tunnel surgery?

It’s normal to experience mild discomfort, tenderness, and swelling once the local anaesthesia wears off. However, this should ease within a few days. Your surgeon will be able to recommend the appropriate pain-relieving medication.


How soon can you use your hand after carpal tunnel surgery?

At the start of your carpal tunnel surgery recovery, you may need to wear a splint to help keep the wrist in place and aid healing. However, when it is safe to do so, your surgeon will advise you to begin using your hand for lighter tasks, such as holding a glass.


Can I wiggle my fingers after carpal tunnel surgery?

Yes, you can wiggle your fingers during your post carpal tunnel recovery. Gentle finger movements whilst you wear a bandage or splint after surgery will help keep your blood flowing properly and prevent stiffness and swelling.


Can you overuse your hand after carpal tunnel surgery?

Yes, you can overuse your hand after carpal tunnel surgery. This can cause pain and delayed healing. You should avoid excessive use of your hand, especially heavy lifting and gripping, for several weeks after surgery.

As part of your post carpal tunnel surgery recovery, your physiotherapist may give you a rehabilitation plan to help you gradually strengthen your wrist, restore your grip, and regain full movement.


Should I wear a wrist brace after carpal tunnel surgery?

You should follow the advice of your surgeon regarding wearing a brace or a sling for support in the early stage of recovery after carpal tunnel surgery.


What is the fastest way to recover from a carpal tunnel?

There are many ways to treat carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and the fastest way to recover will depend on your treatment. Your doctor will recommend a treatment plan based on the duration and type of symptoms you are experiencing. Treatments can range from rest and activity modification, wearing a splint, physiotherapy, over-the-counter medications and cortisone injections, through to carpel tunnel surgery.

If you have carpel tunnel surgery, the fastest way to recover post-op is to follow the advice of your surgeon and physiotherapist.

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