
Our advisors are trained to help you find out about the Consultant Surgeons we work with, including information on their specialist training, specialist registration, qualifications, accreditation, background experience and skills. Our staff will guide you through the reassuring steps you can independently take to ensure that the Consultant Surgeon you choose has the correct credentials and skills to match your personal surgery needs.

Once you have gathered sufficient information and feel confident enough to meet a Consultant Surgeon to discuss your prospective needs, our advisory staff will be happy to make an appointment for you to meet the consultant surgeon of your choice. 

At the consultation, the consultant surgeon will endeavour to ensure that you have a full understanding of all aspects of any potential surgery treatment you are considering as well as the benefits and risks of all procedure options. All advice and an assessment of whether surgery is appropriate for you is given directly by the Consultant Surgeon who will actually perform any agreed surgery. 

In order to arrange a consultation appointment with an appropriate surgeon, please telephone or contact your local hospital.

Our staff will also be happy to discreetly return any telephone messages left after normal office hours if you leave your contact details on our confidential answer phone at any time.

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Fitzwilliam’s Physiotherapist Ashley is selected for Team GB at the World Bench Press Championships 

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Fitzwilliam Hospital's Sustainable Initiative

Angela Harrison, the Inpatient Team Lead Physiotherapist at Fitzwilliam Hospital, is spearheading a commendable recycling initiative to donate the hospital’s crutches and other reusable patient equipment to PhysioNet, a UK-based charity.

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New Chief Medical Officer Ramsay Health Care UK

Mr. Geoff Graham has been named as the next Chief Medical Officer of Ramsay Health Care UK. Mr Graham, a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon specialising in upper limb, joins Ramsay UK with a wealth of leadership experience in both the NHS and the Independent sector.

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